Sunday, February 27, 2011

Come April

This time I wanted to explain a bit about the changes that start up in April, in Japan.
The start of April for schools means the start of the new year. Which in America happens in August. Its also when the Cherry blossoms come out and everything starts a fresh and new, the long winter is finally over.

In April, all the teachers change around. Some move to a different town, and others just move schools (within town), or positions. So March and April are very busy for teachers.

They do this so that nobody gets stuck in a cycle, and so that the town and kids can benefit from having different teachers with different style, ect. This makes perfect logically sense to me. But, I feel very bad for the teachers and knowing this makes me very happy that I am not a Japanese teacher because I would not like this at all.

Teachers sometimes don't find out that they will be moving or where they will be moving to until mid March. So, in between when they find out and the new school year starts they have to completely pack up their places, finish their work at their previous school, move, meet all the new coworkers, find a place to stay, memorize their class list and come up with lesson plans. It's this part that I find ridiculous. If your going to make them move then you should at least give them time to do it all in. As it is some teachers only end up with about 3 weeks to do it all in. The teachers higher on the pool can end up with about 1 month to 2 months.

As I see it the good idea is there, but the way they do it just stresses out all the teachers, and must be hard for the kids. Not to mention the teachers that have families. Lets just say, I am starting to understand why so many men/women cheat on their spouses in Japan.

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