Monday, December 19, 2011

Baking in Japan

Ah the Holiday season is upon us all. And that means its time for baking.
In Japan, its often hard to find the right ingredients for all those baking recipes from home. So its tends to be a lot of experimenting. :)

This Holiday season I have been baking like crazy. First I made apple spice cookies for a Christmas party I went to. Luckily I didn't need to replace any of the ingredients for this one. Though I did use less sugar, and didn't add the sugar topping..because Japanese people don't really like super sweet things.

Than after that I also baked Gingerbread cookies. The gingerbread cookies taste a bit different, but they seem to be OK. I had to replace the Molasses, which I couldn't find which a product that looked like it would fit called kuromisu (black honey). It seems to have done the job.

Hopefully, I will be able to make fudge next, but it sounds like it might be difficult as I cannot seem to find evaporated milk. I hear that I can use unsweetened condensed milk, but I am not sure. Anybody??

Anyways Happy Holidays!!

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